
Solar-Cell Manufacturing Based On Inkjet Printing Technology!

Solar company Konarka Technologies has demonstrated its solar-cell manufacturing based on inkjet printing technology. The company said high efficiency inkjet printing is considered promising because the polymer devices can be fabricated very easily because of the compatibility with various substrates, and do not require additional patterning.

They are not the only ones in the thin-film solar cells space, but I guess that having more players increases the odds of having something that we can buy soon.Using thin film instead of silicon decreases the cost of solar panels - a critical reason why solar energy is not ubiquitous, yet.

The company said inkjet printing is a commonly used technique for controlled deposition of solutions of functional materials in specific locations on a substrate and can provide easy and fast deposition of polymer films over a large area.

Konarka said the demonstration confirmed that organic solar cells can be processed with printing technologies with little or no loss, compared to "clean room" semiconductor technologies such as spin coating.